With an extensive background in fields of Financial Advice, Portfolio Management, Asset Allocation and, most importantly, Real Estate Investing, I have been able to help thousands of clients and investors to improve their portfolios and align their strategies with their long-term goals. I am passionate about helping my clients reduce risk, save time, increase opportunity, minimize worry, and increase their confidence.

RealtyMogul Apartment Growth REIT
Real Estate
Amount Raising: $61,000,000
Minimum Investment: $5,000
Annualized returns: 4.5%
Management fee: 1.3%

RealtyMogul Income REIT, LLC
Real Estate
Amount Raising: $132,000,000
Minimum Investment: $5,000
Annualized returns: 6.1%
Management fee: 1.0%

Realty Mogul, LLC
Total invested: $193,000,000